
Standing on the crossroads of life
I know not which way to go

Sharp , black eyes on me at all times
Taking pleasure each time i stumble

They win or lose, it doesn't matter
What matters is how i do

The worse i do the better they feel
I blame them not, for that is just the way they are

In the deepest recesses of their minds
They display emotions hard to describe


  1. i never knew there was a poet in u! bt u surely have ppl around u who do not feel good while u suffer! :)

  2. yea thankfully such ppl also exist in today's cruel,selfish world:)

  3. Its a nice portrayal of emotions girl...but the world around u is not all dat bad...there are some who will feel happy and sad wid u...keep the great poetry up:>...

  4. amazing lines... i can totally relate. but i also feel that there is no point in giving a damn to such ppl..
    neways wud luvv to read other poems of urs...keep the gud work up.

  5. come on! people like me still exist in this world ;) ... u will meet them soon.. tht shud make u feel better :)


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