Life@SIMSR-The Journey Begins

I have been meaning to write this one since a very long time but somehow never got down to actually doing it. Today on a Sunday afternoon, at home after eons, in front of the television (watching TV after a very long time), I am finally writing this. So here goes.

The first time I saw the Somaiya campus I fell in love with it as I had never seen such a huge campus in Mumbai. The campus of my previous educational institutes were almost non existential. I was absolutely delighted but never in the wildest dreams had I imagined that I would be a part of it one day. But as they say,'Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans'.

After facing a zillion rejections, when I finally got accepted at SIMSR, my happiness knew no bounds. That's when I realized that once you achieve what you desire-how you achieved it, what all failures you faced in the path, whether you deserve more or not-nothing matters. It's just pure, unadulterated happiness. At that moment,I just somehow knew that I was going to take it up.

The sight that greeted me as soon as I entered college was that of baggage, suitcases and people milling around. I got my keys and proceeded to my room to settle down. After the initial euphoria died down, my room mate and I went on a cleaning spree and got down to cleaning every nook and corner of our room. It was the first time we were doing it but we did a pretty good job. We were also amongst the first people to use the laundry. We gave our curtains for dry cleaning on the first day itself.

On the first day I woke up pretty early excited about what lay ahead, knowing that this was my first step into something new. After amicably deciding on the shower arrangements, we proceeded to the mess for the breakfast before going to class. We began the day with a prayer and were told that this was how we would begin our day, everyday. It reminded me of my school days. The remainder of the day was breezy with lots of interactive sessions.

The induction programme was light and fun filled. Getting to know my batch mates was absolutely delightful, entertaining and informative. My class has a variety of people- in terms of where they belong, their backgrounds, their experiences, their maturity levels- everything.There are people from various parts of India, with education ranging from B.A to B.Com to B.E to B.Sc to B.M.S and work experience ranging from 0- 13 years. Quite a diverse mix. Sometimes my first impressions were bang on and at times they were quite the opposite.

Overall, it was quite a fortnight. I had developed an inexplicable attachment to my hostel and friends. When I go home on weekends I actually miss my hostel, my room and my friends. It has become more of a home than I care to admit. I am looking forward to my two years here.


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