
There are always loopholes in each and every system. Ragging is banned by law. But that does not mean that our seniors did not rag us. Instead they formulated a two week long event to rag us in a formal and systematic fashion. Thus, IMPRESSIONS’09 was born.

WEEK 1:- We were all given the task of searching for our ‘buddy’(person who had the same roll no. last year) and doing whatever assignments would be given by the ‘buddy’. The searching part was simple. We just got hold of last year’s attendance sheet. The assignment part was a little tedious for some. While some took extra interest and did it with the same dedication that they would if it were their final exam, others did it half heartedly , secretly cursing the whole idea. Luckily, my buddy turned out to be super chilled.

WEEK 2:-We were required to find out inside information about some of our seniors and make a presentation on them and also prepare either a dance, fashion show or musical skit. The finale was in the auditorium in which we had to present whatever we had prepared. The event was truly entertaining and everybody enjoyed it thoroughly. I realized that each one of us is a powerhouse of talent. We just need to be more proactive and willing to experiment with anything that comes our way. Special thanks to our seniors for prodding us all to do this and for bringing out this side in us. Friends who have known me since a long time would be surprised to know that my group won the first prize in dance and I actually received compliments on my dancing skills. I’m dreading the moment when people realize that I have two left feet.

Our inventions- firstly, ‘Happy Dance’ (a dance in which you jiggle your butt and hands in tandem), invented by Monty and branded and marketed by Pataka. 'Happy Dance' soon became a rage and even the seniors joined in. Secondly, launching ‘Brand Handa’ in which Handa is venerated by one and all by catchy phrases and slogans.

Learnt a lot of things from my experience at this event. Firstly, anybody can achieve anything if they put their mind to it. In life, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Secondly, get out of your comfort zone. You will discover more about yourself and will know your capabilities and limitations better. Finally, enjoy every moment. Time never comes back. If you live each moment to the fullest you won’t regret anything you do.


  1. hi rachana... its a good article.. and u r so right.. it did give us a very deep insight into the hidden talents of our friends and also ourselves. We discovered our seniors as well, and through the event, most of us were motivated to explore ourselves beyond the classroom. As far as the people who dint participate are concerned.. well... all i can say is that it takes all sorts to make a world. Cheers to the happy dancing.. i hope it becomes a trend in SIMSR in the years to come. Keep writing rachana.. I am sure you will be famous someday :)

  2. two left feet?? whats all tht about ?

  3. @puneet:u forgot???wat has cypress done to u???
    btw had by midterms ...dats y replyin so late

  4. Nice way to put everything across in a precise manner


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