Roadies 8 - Shortcut to Hell

I diligently follow Roadies every year. I have recently gone through a gruelling placement process at my college and I couldn't help but draw comparisons between the two.

The most difficult part is getting in. There are many candidates. You have to prove your worth. There usually is a group discussion followed by a round or two of personal interviews. Sometimes the interview is a stress interview sometimes it is relaxing. The same panel can take either interview depending on the person they are interviewing. Then finally, based on certain internal parameters, a few candidates are selected, which is usually a very small proportion of those applied.

Once you are in, it is not like the end of the road. You have to prove yourself every single time. In a company its a performance appraisal whereas in Roadies it is a vote out that keeps you on your toes. And in both cases, it is not just your effort ,that counts-you have to be well networked, you must have a lot of friends at the right places and most importantly you must be able to endure all the politics that goes around.

A lot of good people end up leaving the organisation/show. They may end up doing really well for themselves elsewhere. They might also be reinstated later as the company feels that they actually add value or Roadies feel that they increase TR P's or are good performers (the latter is rarely the case)

The only difference is that Roadies has a winner at the end but organisations don't. You may be a star performer for 10 years, but if you perform really badly for even one quarter, you will be kicked out. That's life for you. Roadies, match that!


  1. One more very important point !!! When Roadies end .. you still become famous even if you are not in the top 5

    Good one :)

  2. Well written.......
    but then thats life.....
    its a continuous battle...
    and Politics is intrinsic nature of any social animal more so ultra competitive animal like earlier we accept this fact its better...
    at the end of the day we should have satisfaction of working towards a better tomorrow for people around us....thats all that counts....

  3. And P.S - Performance in most organisations are extremely well managed, given normal conditions. No one expects you to be a star right from Day 1. if you are able to show that you are a consistent and a hard working person, you wont be "kicked" out. For that to happen, you would have to do something really terrible - like break security compliance rules, or leak company secrets (and get caught). The labour laws of the country as well as the practices of most organisations ensure that every employee is given sufficient time, mentoring and training so that he can perform sufficiently well. if the cos are operating in difficult times, then downsizing is usually inevitable. even then, they would need sufficient metrics and performance indicators to prove that you should be thrown out, or deserve to be categorised in the bottom most performers. They also are required to give severance packages to the retrenched employees. Have this discussion with an HR person for more details.


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