Election Time!!!

Today is the day that Mumbai votes and this year's election is special as the 26/11 attacks have been a wake up call. Many citizens have realised that apathy is not helping, they need to do something. So strong was the feeling in some that the number of independent candidates contesting have risen. And they have not chosen to contest against the weak. They want to defeat the best. And according to me it is a very smart thing to do. It is a win-win situation either ways. If you win then your victory will be hailed, for you have defeated the best and even if you lose, you gain respect because you had the guts to pick such a strong opponent, not to forget all the publicity you would garner-it would ensure that you have a strong foothold and you can definitely come back again-this time against a candidate you are sure to defeat. Brilliant strategy!!! And my bet is that most of these independents will try again next year with renewed vigor(if they dont win that is). My wishes to them. But it sure requires gigantic amounts of guts and courage to leave your steady, well paying job and enter into the "dirty" world of politics. And surprisingly it is the women who have made it to the headlines.
Meera Sanyal, the Chairperson and Country Executive for ABN AMRO Bank one day decided that enough is enough. If she wanted things to change it should begin with herself. Thats when she threw in her name in the political ring. Being a banker, Im sure that she must have have thought it through and managed her risks well. But according to me, she could have done a lot more. A lot of people consider a "memsaab" who is elite and cannot connect to the aam junta. She needs to correct that impression if she is to advance further in politics. You need to appear tough for people to take you seriously and by tough I mean a display of aggression and passion (a lethal combination) and not bullying peopleand giving hate speeches.
If you have noticed none of the parties have strong ideologies or a gameplan or strategies. They change their opinions at the drop of a hat depending on the situation so that things work in their favour. I cannot say as of today how a political party will react to a given event or opportunity. If they are in power, they will "try" to set things right, but the opposition party whose actual job is to check that the governing party is doing their job will just oppose even if something could work in India's favour. They have somehow understood that to be in the opposition party means to oppose-no matter what so that the incumbent government does not get elected again-not because they are not capable but because they were just not given enough power. And coalitions have sure made it tougher. They only see their interest and care a damn about evrything else. Their favourite ploy is to threaten the government of withdrawing. Always works!!!( except in the case of the nuclear deal...kudos to Manmohan Singh for that...and for those people who call him "weak", try doing what he did, then you'll know who is weak). And admist all this India suffers.
But now the youth is waking up. They realize that the first step they can take towards helping India is by voting. They dont want politicians who seek to divide us based on religion, class, caste or creed or any other factors nor do they want "leaders" who buy their votes- all they want are a bunch of honest, determined and hardworking politicians who are willing to dedicate themselves to development and improving the standard of living. The time of the "Divide and Rule" philosophy is over. Noone is buying it. Education has empowered people to think for themselves and thats what a corrupt politician fears the most. He wants weak minded, submissive people whom he can easily fool and dominate. But we have got news for you mister. Better buckle up and start performing or else......
Today was the first time I voted. I was visibly excited. I had mailed all my friends urging them to vote after doing proper research on the candidates from their constituency. I did mine. Internet has made our lives so much simpler. Sites like jaagore and mumbaivotes made my work so much easier. After much research I decided to vote for Priya Dutt. Her body of work and experience is impressive and from a young age she used to assist her Dad. I sure hope she wins. Btw i asked the people at the booth if I had the option to not vote for any of the candidates. They gave me an incredulous look and said I should have sat at home if I wanted to do something like that. They are clearly not aware that such an option exists. Guys at the EC-WAKEUP!!!. Your people itself are not aware what do you expect of the commoners.
I would like to applaud the efforts of Aamir Khan, Karan Johar and all the actors who decided to urge India to vote and make a difference. Great work, guys!! Anyways Im really happy now. Showing off my finger to anybody and everybody. Jai Ho!!!!


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