Try try till you succeed

Life has a way of throwing surprises when you least expect it. A disastrous event can spoil the flow of things or one positive incident can make you forget even the most difficult phase in your life. Success is a very relative term and so is happiness- some think they know what they want and the smart ones know that even if they want something it is just a temporary phase. Once you get what you desire you no longer want it and crave for something else. Sometimes you can surprise yourself specially when you do something you never imagined yourself capable of. Thats when you taste true victory.
I was reading "Its Not About the Bike" by Lance Armstrong.His is a classic tale of overcoming all obstacles and set backs to achieve the impossible- he won Tour de France(7 times),the most rigorous and competitive cycling tournament after battling cancer. Many people wrote him off long back. but he fought back. He proved them all wrong. The only thing that he kept saying to himself was that "I will NOT quit". Because everytime you try something you become a little more better(even if it is just 0.00001%).
After reading this book I felt highly motivated, positive and very good about myself. I sat wondering how the story of another person could affect me in such a strong way. Thats when I realised why we as people need such things to happen around us-we need hope, we need to know that each of us has the ability to survive despite all odds. It is so truly said" We are not because of our circumstances but because of our reaction to them".
In life we all face ups and downs. Sometimes the low points are so fatal that they lead to depression also making us contemplate suicide. It is at those moments that we need to believe in ourself and give ourselves another chance. That is why we need hope- to believe that yes,we can do it.
The article in Times Life about PFMI Pooja Chopra's mother bought tears to my eyes. To think of it, in India where society doesnt accept women who are separated from their husbands, she had the guts to walk out of her marriage to take care of her daughters all by herself. Now her youngest daughter will compete for the Miss World crown. I say she totally deserves every bit of what she is getting today. Hats off to you woman!!!This comes as a respite admist reports that parents commited suicide after killing their children-all this at the first signs of misery. The tolerance level has gone real low and the smallest of incidents act as triggers to commit henious acts like mass murder(shooting of people at random and then killing yourself), suicide etc.
Life not well lived is life not lived at all. So go enjoy life. Take each day as it comes. Most importantly spend time with your family and friends for they are the ones that matter the most. Never have regrets. Enjoy life to the fullest!!!!


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