The Twister of Life

 Let’s play twister, with a slight twist.

Self: “Designed for a complicated solution in a simple and elegant manner.” Satisfaction.

Referee: “Left hand to red.”


“Two people on my team are on unplanned leave today” Irritation.

“Right hand to blue”


“Stuck in a traffic jam.” Frustration.

“Left leg to yellow.”


“A decadent dark chocolate cake slice with tea.” Pleasure.

“Right leg to green.”


“Watching the sunset.” Joy.

“Nose to blue.”


With each experience, each emotion, the mind keeps getting further twisted. No yoga pose can accurately describe the mental shape that has emerged. It is easy to get so contorted that you forget you can end the game and stand up straight, even if for a few minutes every day. That is a powerful reset. This is what my meditation practice is to me - untangling myself and taking a pause before jumping into the twister of life again.


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