Future Addicts

The future is one thing we obsess about and the one thing we can never be certain about. I was recently watching the movie Next wherein the protagonist could see into the future. He made attempts to change it for the better. But what he realised at the end of it was that even though he succeeded in altering the course of events, his actions caused the future to change in unforeseeable ways. He aptly summed it up as "You can never see the future, because everytime you see it, it changes"

Humans, by nature, are curious beings. We are not satisfied in knowing the present, we want challenges and there is no bigger challenge than knowing the unknown. Perhaps thats the reason for the time machine being the heart of many sci-fi stories and movies. (Love Story 2050 has other factors to blame). That is why there is such demand for the astrologers, tarot card readers, witches(yes, black magic is followed world over) and other such professionals. The common man blindly believes these people, who can supposedly see the future, and is willing to go to any lengths to make his future better. He will do things that range from amusing, silly to those that are dangerous and clearly horrifying. Wearing a ring, changing the spelling of your name, changing your signature, matching horoscopes are practices commonly adopted to turn the wheels of fortune. That is acceptable, ridiculous but acceptable. But commiting incest, sacrificing a human to appease a God or taking a life crosses the line. And any "human" being would not stoop to this level. But alas, some people(i dont know if i should call them that) in a bid to enrich the quality of their lives commit such heinous crimes at the instigation of the wicked, self proclaimed seers.

We all have a beautiful life. Obstacles are a part of it. Instead of trying to find out our future we must focus on our present, focus on what we have and try to make the most of the situations that come our way. Take every day as it comes. Every experience in life teaches us something. We must take the lesson and move on. Live in the present moment and live to the fullest.


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