Multiple Personalities

Modern science considers people having multiple personalities to be suffering from 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' and urges one to get help from the psychiatrist. But human beings are too complex to just be the same person all the time. In fact over time, we might undergo so many transformations that the future us cannot recognize the present us and the present us cannot relate to the past us. To borrow Ted's language from HIMYM, we all become doppelgangers of ourselves as we evolve.

Even if we discount the time factor, we behave differently with different people and in different circumstances. How much ever people may claim to be what they are, the truth is we are ultimately human and we mirror the actions and behavior of the person we are interacting with. A lot also depends on the comfort level we share with others, our own mood swings, the vibes we get from a person and a host of other factors. Then it brings to focus a pertinent question, "Who really are we?".

Experiences make us what we are. They develop what we call "intuition". They provide requisite insights into human behavior that compels us to change our own. We pick some habits because it is socially acceptable and some subconsciously. We develop notions by what we observe and that gets further rooted into our minds. We make judgments based on the benchmarks set by us- which is again highly flexible and can quickly change from one extreme to another. The entire process is dynamic. We learn to adapt. We realize perhaps subconsciously that everything in life cannot be looked at with the same glass. We need varied perspectives. Each thing needs to be tackled differently. There is no panacea to everyday life. We learn by living every moment and the degree to which we absorb determines the extent of our learning.

I personally believe that having multiple personalities is a sign of growth and progress. Moreover multi-dimensional personalities makes a person more holistic. In that case, there should be a single personality disorder for people who measure everything by the same yardstick and remain themselves all through their life. It simply implies that their experiences do not add any value. They just exist without living. The whole purpose of life is then lost. Change is always welcome and it makes living worthwhile.


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